Conference packages

Packages for your conference on the Swabian Alb

We offer various different concepts from large convention to small workshops. On top you choose between the certain extra amenities.

We have a plethora of catering options available for your event or meeting. See the Fact Sheet for more information, or contact our Sales Team via phone or email. Package your own congress today!

Download convention packages

Event-Package "All inclusive Deluxe"

Event-Package All inclusive Deluxe
Event-Package All inclusive Deluxe


  • Reception on arrival of event incl. our all-in-one "bean-2cup" machines with coffee , tea and tasty delights.
  • Morning Coffeebreak incl. our all-in-one "bean-2cup" machines with coffee and tea, yogurt, fresh fruits, snacks (bretzels, etc.)
  • Lunch 3-course menu (plan of choice: 4 main courses – porc, beef, chicken, poultry, fish or vegetarian) incl. 1 softdrink + 1 hot beverage
  • Afternoon Coffeebreak incl. our all-in-one "bean-2cup" machines with coffee and tea, yogurt, fresh fruits, snacks (cake/pie/bretzels, etc.)
  • In room on desk drinks „all you can drink“ ( water, applejuice, cola )
  • room size comfortable fitting requested amount of attendees incl. room rental
  • Tech-Equipment „unlimited“ with large silver screen, high-end projector, flip chart, pin board / chart wall, convention-kit (pins, scissors, pens, markers, tape etc.)
  • High-speed Internet access
  • free attendee and participant parking


€ 62,61 per day and person


Event-Package "All inclusive"

Event-Package All inclusive
Event-Package All inclusive


  • Morning Coffeebreak  incl. our all-in-one "bean-2cup" machines with coffee and tea, yogurt, fresh fruits, snacks (bretzels, etc.)
  • Lunch 3-course menu (plan of choicel: 4 main courses – porc, beef, chicken, poultry, fish or vegetarian) incl. 1 softdrink + 1 hot beverage
  • Afternoon Coffeebreak incl. our all-in-one "bean-2cup" machines with coffee and tea, yogurt, fresh fruits, snacks (cake/pie/bretzels, etc.)
  • In room on desk drinks „accoring consumption“ ( water, applejuice, cola )
  • room size comfortably fitting requested amount of attendees incl. room rental
  • Tech-Equipment „unlimited“ with large silver screen, high-end projector, flip chart, pin board / chart wall, convention-kit (pins, scissors, pens, markers, tape etc.)
  • High-speed Internet access
  • free attendee and participant parking


€ 58,40 per day and person


Event-Package "Basic"

Event-Package Basic
Event-Package Basic


  • Morning Coffeebreak incl. our all-in-one "bean-2cup" machines with coffee and tea, yogurt, fresh fruits, snacks (bretzels, etc.)
  • Lunch 1-course menu (plan of choice: 4 different main courses – porc, beef, chicken, poultry, fish or vegetarian)
  • Afternoon Coffeebreak incl. our all-in-one "bean-2cup" machines with coffee and tea, yogurt, fresh fruits, snacks (cake/pie etc.)
  • In room on desk drinks „according consumption“ ( water, applejuice, cola )
  • room size comfortably fitting requested amount of attendees incl. room rental
  • Tech-Equipment „unlimited“ with large silver screen, high-end projector, flip chart, pin board / chart wall, convention-kit (pins, scissors, pens, markers, tape etc.)
  • High-speed Internet access
  • free attendee and participant parkin


€ 50,00 pro person and day


Event-Package "Just in time"

Event-Package Just in time
Event-Package Just in time


  • Morning Coffeebreak incl. our all-in-one "bean-2cup" machines with coffee and tea, yogurt, fresh fruits, snacks (bretzels, etc.)
  • Lunch-Snack (soup of the day and variety of sandwiches)
  • Afternoon Coffeebreak incl. our all-in-one "bean-2cup" machines with coffee and tea, yogurt, fresh fruits, snacks (cake/pie etc.)
  • In room on desk drinks „according consumption“ ( water, applejuice, cola )
  • room size comfortable fitting requested amount of attendees incl. room rental
  • Tech-Equipment „unlimited“ with large silver screen, high-end projector, flip chart, pin board / chart wall, convention-kit (pins, scissors, pens, markers, tape etc.)
  • High-speed Internet access
  • free attendee and participant parking


€ 35,71 per person and day


Book the right conference package for your participants now and experience an all-round successful seminar. We look forward to welcoming you to our hotel near Ulm.

Your enquiry for our conference packages & services

Do you wish to ask for further info on our hotels? Any wishes you want to tell us? Are you planning a stay? Contact us asap and type your request into our request sheet. We will answer within 24h!

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