Hotel Lobinger with e-gas station

Your e-gas station at the A7/A8 near Ulm

Driving clean and silent while protecting the nature and the landscape. Electric vehicles make this possible - especially if they are charged with environmentally friendly electricity. We make this dream come true with our three charging stations (two of which are from Tesla) at our hotel. The electricity for the e-filling station is produced by our own block heating plant. Like that, we save the environment twice as much.

Hotel with three e-charging stations near Ulm also for Tesla vehicles
Hotel with three e-charging stations near Ulm also for Tesla vehicles
Find hotels with charging stations: E-car charging at the Lobinger Hotels
Find hotels with charging stations: E-car charging at the Lobinger Hotels
 A7 charging station in Giengen near Ulm: The 4-star Parkhotel for electric car drivers
A7 charging station in Giengen near Ulm: The 4-star Parkhotel for electric car drivers

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