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When the weather is not too inviting for outdoor activities or if you can spare a little time to think about your health and body, our hotel is offering sauna, fitness und solarium.
Relax loungers and sofas to unwind after sporting activity and sauna in our hotel near Ulm
Small Oasis of well-being and gym
Our 4-Star-Hotel Weisses Ross in Langenau has your wellness included. Our small wellness area is equipped with two little finnish-style saunas, several different showers and a cozy relax area.
In case you feel like working-out before sweating the day off, our gym provides the gear to do it. Cardio, Rowingmachine, barbells of every kind and various work-out machines are yours to use as your daily treadmill.
Cardio and strength training at the hotel with fitness in Langenau
Sauna in the hotel for relaxing wellness hours
Enjoy all-round wellness with a solarium in the hotel
Power to empower! There is no closing time for your health...